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American Idol Finale 2023 James Blunt

American Idol 2023 Season 21 Grand Finale



American Idol is back with a bang. The grand finale of season 21 is just around the corner, and the excitement is palpable. On May 22, 2023, the top 3 contestants will take to the stage for one last time to compete for the title of American Idol. IAM TONGI, Noah Thompson, and Leah Marlene will each perform three songs, including a duet with a celebrity guest. One of the most highly anticipated duets of the night is between IAM TONGI and James Blunt. The two will perform Blunt's hit song "Monsters."

This will be a special moment for both IAM TONGI and James Blunt. Blunt is a Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter who has sold over 20 million albums worldwide. He is best known for his hits "You're Beautiful" and "Goodbye My Lover." IAM TONGI is a 19-year-old singer-songwriter from Hawaii. He is a self-taught musician who started playing the ukulele at the age of 12. He has been wowing the judges and viewers all season with his incredible voice and songwriting skills.

The duet between IAM TONGI and James Blunt is sure to be a highlight of the American Idol grand finale. It will be a beautiful and emotional performance that will showcase the talents of both artists.
