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About Research Nord

Research-Nord: Investigating Militant Neonazism

About Research-Nord

Research-Nord is an independent research and media project that focuses on militant and organized neonazism. Founded in 2004, it is a collaborative effort of independent journalists and photographers who are dedicated to shedding light on this dark and dangerous subculture.

Uncovering Hidden Agendas

Research-Nord operates under the belief that transparency and informed awareness are crucial in combating the spread of violent ideologies. The project's mission is to uncover the hidden agendas and activities of militant neonazi groups, exposing their recruitment efforts, connections to organized crime, and potential threats to society. Through in-depth research, investigative journalism, and meticulous documentation, Research-Nord provides valuable insights into this clandestine world to help prevent its resurgence.

Secrecy and the Unknown

One of the most striking aspects of Research-Nord's work is its commitment to protecting sources and maintaining anonymity. Militant neonazi groups often operate in secrecy, hiding their meetings and activities from public view. To ensure the safety of their sources and prevent retaliation, Research-Nord takes extreme precautions, such as keeping meeting locations secret and using code names. This secrecy allows them to maintain their integrity and continue their important work without fear of reprisal.
